Tuesday, 25 September 2012

History of Graphic Design

History of Graphic Design Volume 2

History of Graphic Design Volume 1
So for this job, it was to take Megg's History of Graphic Design, and create the 6th edition covers for the book. Instead of one whole book for the sixth edition, its two halfs. Volume one being the first 12 chapters, so more of getting to see how graphic design started and the build up to the modern era, and then volume two is the modern era. I used a really contemporary type layout, and i'm actually so happy with these designs.

Magazine Layout

So here, i'm doing extra work for my portfolio, so i did this magazine layout based on AZURE Magazine on my own time. Its based on Frank Gehry who if you dont know check out his architecture work! its amazing!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Ethics and Morals

This is my Type Poster.This one is straight to the point
and easy to get the meaning out of; I like the design, but i find that
its a little lacking to me. But i'm always found of more intricate design.

This one is done in more of my style, i find it eye catching and it keeps your attention
because your trying to figure out exactly what i'm trying to say. 
So this job was to create a poster for the Graphic Design of Canada Code of Ethics  that would entice the first years. So my two designs are pretty different, One done in more of my style and the other done in just type.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

So its a New Year

Its a new school year, and we've already been in class for a couple of weeks, so i'm a little behind on this blog, sorry. I didn't do much work over the summer, it was pretty hectic. So far this year, I'll have a bunch of pieces to put up, but all starting next week. Our projects are a little bigger this year, since they are to make up our portfolios so there will be more time inbetween them, but i'm also working on my own stuff so ill have lots to put up this year. I really hope you enjoy the work, its taking awhile but i feel like i'm getting back on track again. So stay updated, because i've got some sick stuff coming up. :)
Heres a poster i'm working on to explain offset printing, till got some work but i figured id give you guys something
to look at till next week haha.