Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Corporate Logo for History

so this is a corporate logo i had to do to for history, its not something i'll probably stick with forever but its a start.


Typography 8
Spread done in style of Fine Gardening.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


This one is for my Best Friend Jessica

This ones for my friends.

This is one for someone special (:

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Oh London

Type 6
Type  full page Spread in the Magazine Conde Nast Traveller style about london.

History End Abuse!

This is from Chapter 18 of our history book. We had to do public awareness posters in a style from the chapter and I did a End Abuse Poster in the style of Muller-Brockmann.

The Interpretation of Dreams

Version 1

Version 2
These are book covers we had to do for design class for the book The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. I'm really happy with out they turned out :)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Illusionists of Grandeur




Vanishing Boundaries.

So this is a project for Color Class. We were to create a series of posters for a magic performance. Full Color. Use the power of illusion or distortion to capitalize on each unique aspect of the individuals in the show. Im really pleased as to how they turned out. This was actually a really fun project to do, I enjoyed working with the different effects for this specific type of project. Though I did have Illustrator quit on me and i had to start over due to not saving. So to anyone out there, make sure to save every ten minutes or so. Anyways Hope you enjoy, because I do :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Magazine Ad

history 5
History Piece, had to do a magazine ad in the style from the chapter.

Monday, 6 February 2012

And God it was great to see her again.

structural #4
My structural piece, im not that happy with it, but i do like it.

Tension and Stress Typography

Type Project #4 
Typography project based on the layouts in the magazine Azure.

Friday, 3 February 2012


Updated version of my M.C Escher poster.

M.C Escher

M.C Escher Poster
This is a poster based on a fictional play based around M.C Escher and his fascination with the regular Division of the plane and his decaying relationship with his wife jetta. Its a three spot color project.

Thursday, 2 February 2012