Friday, 9 November 2012

The Lighthouse Society

The Lighthouse Society

Another visual identities done for a lighthouse society, who are a group of people restoring the light houses of north america. I went for a more abstract light symbol of the lighthouse, because that is the one common thing between all the different types of lighthouses.


Icarus Visual Identity
We were to develop visual identities for 'clients' we were given. This is mine for ICARUS.

Copyright Brochure

So this is a copyright brochure i designed, its for copyright when it comes to graphic design. In my design i showcase three very talented artists who did the drawings, which they have been given credit on the back on the brochure, each with a little paragraph about them, and links to their websites. Definitely check out this artists, they have amazing talent. Full copyright of their works is to them.

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Applied Arts Magazine Spread
For business class we first had to write a essay on the three types of businesses you can open and their advantages and disadvantages. Then we were to create a magazine spread for Applied Arts based on the essay for graphic designers looking to open their own business. We had to create a piece of artwork for the project that was vector based and one of the categories he gave us. I chose symbolism, and my article is based on research and reflection.

Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche Tshirt Design
In Pre Press class we were to design a tshirt for the even nuit blanche, we could pick whatever city from whatever country we wanted. I chose New York.

Design Edge

Design Edge Magazine Layout
 So this is a project where we were to design a spread entirely in our own style to showcase our styles. We had free rang. The article is about a design studio in denvur, and i wanted to get that hand craft feel of the studio with my style added. I really enjoy the way it turned out.